Lose weight fat health function
After the body eats a lot of fat, some fats accumulate in the gastrointestinal tract, peritoneum, and early abdominal obesity. When too much fat, mobilized to the liver to oxidize, can increase the lipids in the liver and accumulate in the liver, forming 'fatty liver', part of the fat
Anhua pine needle
After the fat has been transformed into: total cholesterol, esters, triglycerides and so on. Lipids increase in the body, cholesterol accumulation in the arterial wall, the formation of atherosclerosis, hardening of the arteries, poor blood flow. In modern life, as people's lives continue to improve, the number of obese people in China continues to increase. Therefore, health care and care for health are also mentioned in people's daily lives. In particular, cardiovascular diseases in the elderly are rising. Risk factors for lipid metabolism in the human body include excessive intake of saturated fatty acids. Disorders of lipid metabolism and lack of active lifestyle can lead to systemic diseases of secondary hypercholesterolemia. Patients with a total cholesterol level higher than 200 mg/dl (5.2 mmol/L) had a significantly higher mortality rate, and when the total cholesterol level reached 240 mg/dl (6.24 mmol/L), the mortality rate increased dramatically at 200 mg/dl (5.2%). For each mmol/L increase above 50mg/dl (1.3mmol/L), the cardiovascular mortality rate will be doubled [5]. Visible human lipid peroxidation, is the enemy of human health! Domestic research shows. Tea contains tea polyphenols and B vitamins, which can reduce triglycerides by 50%. At the same time, it can increase the oxidation of cholesterol, increase the excretion of fecal neutrophil, and hinder the lipidation of free cholesterol to reduce the synthesis of lipoprotein. Scented tea also effectively removes 'free radicals' from the human body (that is, a group of harmful substances that are produced by the body while breathing and metabolizing oxygen consumption). Reduce or reduce cholesterol intake, have good oxidized fat, reduce lipids. Regular and appropriate drinking tea is one of the effective ways to promote healthy weight loss and lipid-lowering.
Enhance cardiovascular health care
The most important predisposing factors for coronary atherosclerosis are advanced age, male sex, high blood lipids, hypertension, smoking, and diabetes. It is considered that the blood supply to the arterial intima and part of the media is a direct supply of lumen. Oxygen and nutrients in the blood are directly transmitted through
Anhua pine needle[2]
Into the inner and middle membrane. Therefore, lipids are also easy to penetrate, combined with the increase in the rate of aggregation of circulating blood, resulting in release response [6], resulting in coronary artery atherosclerosis and myocardial ischemia, reduced myocardial viability. Some patients can be directly reduced by coronary artery spasm, coronary blood supply, resulting in a series of side effects. In recent years, the mortality of coronary heart disease in China is about 42/100,000 to 49/100,000 men. The number of women is about 31/100,000 - 32 per 100,000; the mortality rate of males is higher than that of females; the number of urban areas is higher than that of rural areas and the overall trend is upward. It can be seen that diseases such as coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, cerebral hemorrhage and cerebral thrombosis pose a serious threat to human health. The tea pigments, vitamin C, etc. contained in the teas have the function of reducing the deposition of cholesterol in tissues, increasing the fibrinolytic activity and reducing the concentration of fibrinogen, as well as expanding peripheral blood vessels and preventing thrombosis. Helps prevent the development of vascular obstructive lesions and conditions. It can also be used to prevent recurrence after myocardial infarction and prevent arterial thromboembolism. For the middle-aged and elderly people drinking tea is extremely beneficial, can effectively protect the heart and prevent cardiovascular disease. Every day can adhere to drinking tea, to develop a good habit, can reduce the risk factors of the original heart attack by about 45%.