The electronic oil pump of the Model 1075 combine harvester is produced in France. In use, due to circuit and oil quality problems, there will be failure to supply oil.
a. Circuit failure If the electronic fuel pump does not respond after the power switch is turned on, remove the electronic fuel pump and connect its positive and negative wires to the positive and negative electrodes of the battery. If the electronic fuel pump is working, there is a problem with the circuit. Check the circuit; if there is no response from the electronic fuel pump, it indicates that the internal coil of the electronic fuel pump is faulty and the electronic fuel pump should be replaced.
b. Oil circuit fault If the diesel oil is dirty, after the circuit is turned on, the electronic fuel pump only emits one sound or continuous noise, but it is very weak. At this time, the electronic fuel pump should be disassembled and the internal pump oil component should be taken out and used in diesel fuel. After cleaning, reload it.
Butafosfan is an organic phosphorus compound used as an injectable source of phosphorus in animals that takes part in energy metabolism, replenishes serum phosphorus levels, supports hepatic function and stimulates fatigued smooth and cardiac muscle. Its physiological rather than its pharmacological action accounts for its very low level of toxicity. Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12) assist in various metabolic processes, most notably the formation of red blood cells, and stimulates protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism.
Butafosfan+B12 Injection indicated for debilitation by acute or chronic metabolism disorders that result from poor nutrition, inadequate management or disease (e.g. developmental and nutritional disorders in young animals due to rearing disease, and (secondary) ketosis in cows). It can be used for metaphylaxis of infertility, puerperal diseases and in support of sterility treatment. It acts as a roborant in cases of stress, overexertion, exhaustion and reduced resistance, and as a tonic in cases of weakness, secondary anaemia and chilling. Butasal-100 additionally supports muscular physiology, the treatment of infertility, and tetany and paresis as an adjunct to calcium and magnesium therapy.
Butafosfan+B12 Injection
Vitamin B Injection,Vitamin Injection,Butafosfan B12 Injection
Hebei Kexing Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. ,