The organic matter in the feed, especially the three major nutrients, is the source of energy, and metabolism of organic nutrients must be accompanied by energy metabolism. The type and content of organic nutrients in feed are directly related to energy levels.
(A) The relationship between energy and protein and amino acids
The energy and protein in the diet should be kept in a proper ratio, and improper proportions will affect the nutrient use efficiency and lead to nutritional disorders. For example, feeding dairy cows with high-energy, low-protein or low-energy, high-protein diets can result in reduced body weight, decreased milk production, and abnormal ovarian function. When finishing pigs have normal dietary energy levels and protein levels are too high, their weight gain is worse than that of adequate protein. Poultry has the ability to adjust feed intake based on dietary energy concentrations. When feeding high-energy diets, the reduction in feed intake, while meeting energy requirements, reduces the absolute intake of protein and other nutrients and affects growth. Speed ​​and egg production. Practice has shown that due to the high heat consumption of proteins, the energy utilization rate decreases when the protein supply is high. On the contrary, if the protein can not meet the minimum needs of the animal body, simply increase the energy supply, the body will appear negative nitrogen balance, energy utilization will also decline. Therefore, in order to ensure the increase of energy utilization and avoid the waste of dietary protein, it is necessary to maintain a reasonable proportion of energy and protein in the diet.
Dietary amino acid species and levels have a significant impact on energy utilization. The lack of threonine, leucine, and valine in diets can cause a decline in energy metabolism. When growing fattening pigs with diets lacking lysine, the energy expenditure per unit weight gain increases. On the other hand, when the amino acid supply exceeds the actual need, it also reduces the metabolic energy. The reason is that amino acids that are not involved in protein synthesis are oxidized to release energy, and nitrogen is excreted in the form of urea, resulting in energy loss. It has been proved that the requirement of amino acids for livestock and poultry increases with the increase of energy concentration. It is very important to maintain the appropriate ratio of amino acids and energy to improve feed utilization efficiency.
(b) The relationship between energy and carbohydrates and fats
1. High crude fiber content in crude fiber diets can affect the digestibility of organic matter and reduce dietary digestible energy values. This is outstanding in growing pigs. There is usually a negative correlation between dietary organic matter digestibility and crude fiber levels. It has been reported that for every 1% increase in cellulose in the diet, the total energy digestibility decreases by approximately 3.5%. Adult ruminants require more crude fiber. When the proportion of crude fiber in the diet is moderate, ruminal bacterial activity increases, and the digestibility of crude fiber and other organic matter can be increased. On the contrary, excessively low crude fiber levels can lead to rumen digestive dysfunction and reduce the digestibility of organic matter and energy. Therefore, suitable crude fiber levels are important for various animals. However, different animal species require significantly different crude fiber levels.
2. Fat Under normal conditions, fat is used more efficiently as an energy source than other organic materials. Adding fat to the diet can increase the animal's effective energy intake and improve feed and energy conversion efficiency. For each additional 1% fat in the diet, the free intake of metabolic energy increased by 0.2-0.6%, which is conducive to improving animal performance in high temperature environment. When the animal is in an immune stress state, fat is not as good as a carbohydrate as an energy source.
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