Most store bought first aid kits, especially the cheap ones, are very poor in terms of quality, quantity, and selection of items, and are only suited for treating very minor injuries. A homemade kit, if properly prepared, is generally better and sometimes cheaper than most commercial kits. A generic first aid kit is better than nothing. However, the contents of a first aid kit should be optimized for local conditions. For example, a kit for hikers in snake country should have a snakebite kit. A kit aboard a boat should have medications for seasickness. One list of items for a first aid kit are as follows: Adhesive bandages are one of the most commonly used items in a first aid kit
Dressings (sterile, applied directly to wound)
Sterile eye pads
Sterile gauze pads
Sterile nonadherent pads
Burn dressing (sterile pad soaked in a cooling gel)
airtight dressing, can be used to treat a "sucking chest wound," in which air is sucked into the chest cavity, collapsing the lung. For this use, dressings should be taped on three sides only, to create a "one-way valve")
petroleum gauze (also used as non-adherent dressing)
Half of any gauze wrapper can be used, since the inside is sterile and air-tight
Bandages (sterility is not necessary, used to secure a dressing)
Gauze Roller bandages - absorbent, breathable, and often elastic
Elastic bandages - used for sprains, and pressure bandages
Adhesive, elastic roller bandages - Very effective pressure bandages or durable, waterproof bandaging
Triangular bandages - used as slings, tourniquets, to tie splints, and many other uses
Sometimes dressings and bandages are combined, in which case they must be sterile.
Adhesive bandages (band-aids, sticking plasters)
straight adhesive bandages
Butterfly (knuckle) bandages
Disposable gloves should be provided in a first aid kit Instruments
Adhesive tape, hypoallergenic
Trauma shears, for cutting clothing and general use
Irrigation syringe, for cleaning wounds
Rubber suction bulb, for clearing the airway of an unconscious patient
If treating snakebites is a concern. This is the only snakebite kit generally recognised as not causing further damage and possibly reducing the effects of a snakebite.[citation needed]
Equipment A torch (flashlight) is a useful addition to a first aid kit, especially one placed in a vehicle
SAM Splint - Versatile splint made of malleable aluminum covered with foam
Air splints - Easy to apply, can also help control bleeding, but bulkier and more expensive
Wire ladder splint
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Gloves, disposable non-latex
CPR mask or other breathing barrier such as a face shield
Eye cup or small plastic cup
Torch (also known as a flashlight)
Instant-acting chemical cold packs
Sterile eye wash (commonly saline)
Sterile saline may also be used for cleaning wounds where clean tap water is not available.
Swabs, sterile non-woven
Space blanket (lightweight plastic foil blanket, sometimes called "emergency blanket")
Alcohol rub (hand sanitizer) or antiseptic hand wipes
Medication (Single use packets of medications, ointments, and antiseptics will prolong shelf life, decrease contamination risk, reduce risk of leakage (usually), and save space (for small quantities). If large amounts of a medication are needed, a multi-use container can be used in addition, but keep single-use packets as a backup. For general household use (not in first aid kits), single use packets can be wasteful and bad for the environment.)
Povidone iodine wipes - very effective and painless, but messy. Can also be used to purify water
Benzalkonium Chloride - painless, effective, often includes anesthetic. (Bactine is one brand.)
Alcohol pads - should not be used on open cuts or wounds, since they cause tissue damage and delay healing. They can be used to prep unbroken skin for injections etc. or to disinfect equipment such as thermometers. While not a medical use, alcohol pads are also useful as a solvent to remove ink, adhesives, etc.
Antibiotic ointment - single, double, or triple antibiotic ointment in petroleum jelly base (i.e. Neosporin, Polysporin). Since it has a petroleum jelly base, it can be used for things such as chapped lips.
Antiseptic/anesthetic ointment or spray
Anti-itch ointment (especially for outdoor kits)
hydrocortisone cream
antihistamine cream, such as benadryl
calamine lotion
Painkillers / fever reducers (since moderate fevers are beneficial, avoid unless necessary)
Acetaminophen (brand name Tylenol)
Ibuprofen (such as Advil) - anti-inflammatory, often more effective that acetaminophen
Naproxen (such as Aleve) - similar to ibuprofen, but stronger and longer lasting
Aspirin - one 300mg Aspirin tablet may be given to a patient suffering a heart attack, to be chewed slowly.
Antihistamines - can treat allergies and allergic reactions, including life-threatening anaphylactic shock. Although OTC (over-the-counter) medications are far less effective at treating anaphylaxis than epinephrine or prescription drugs, they are much better than nothing and can be potentially life saving, and therefore may be the most valuable medication in a first aid kit.
Aloe vera gel - used for a wide variety of skin problems, including burns, sunburns, itching, and dry skin
Burn gel - a water based gel that acts as a cooling agent and often includes a mild anesthetic such as lidocaine and, sometimes, an antiseptic such as tea tree oil
Epinephrine auto-injector (brand name Epipen) - Often included in kits for wilderness use and in places like summer camps, to treat anaphylactic shock. Requires a prescription and can be used with minimal training.
Poison treatments
Activated charcoal - to be used when directed by poison control.
Syrup of ipecac - to be used when directed by poison control.