Application of Microecological Agents in Animal Breeding

Animal micro-ecological preparations, also known as microbial feed additives. Under the guidance of the theory of microecology, viable microorganisms isolated from animals are made by special processes and contain only live bacteria or viable bacterial preparations containing bacterial cells and their metabolites. The ultimate goal of using microecological agents is to maintain the balance of microorganisms in the digestive tract of animals, increase animal utilization of feed, prevent disease, and increase animal productivity. Because the use of this preparation has no pollution, no residue, and at the same time it can improve animal immunity, the application in animal husbandry production in China has become more and more extensive in the past 20 years. At present, microecological preparations have been recognized as promising feed additives for the substitution of antibiotics in the world. Many countries in the world, including China, have extensive use of probiotics. 1. Application effect of microecological preparations on animal breeding (1) For raising pigs: The addition of microecological preparations to piglets and sow diets can significantly reduce the incidence of intestinal diseases and at the same time improve the survival rate and growth of piglets. rate. For example, Zhu Wanbao and other tests have proved that animal probiotics (combined probiotics) are added to the feed of weaned piglets. Compared with the control group, the test group with compound probiotics can save feed, increase weight gain and reduce drug expenditure. Each pig directly increases the benefit by nearly 6 yuan. (2) For dairy farming: Fungi and yeast can help dairy cows digest fiber and increase milk production. For example, in the U.S., the milk feeding test using Aspergillus oryzae culture and Saccharomyces cerevisiae culture can increase daily milk production by 3.1kg and 3.2kg respectively during 150 days of lactation. (3) For chicken production: The addition of microecological preparations to feeds of broilers or laying hens can significantly increase the benefits, increase the daily gain of broilers, the egg production rate of laying hens, and the feed conversion rate of chickens. For example, Su Zhiyong and other animal microbiological agents added to the 30-day-old layer chicken feed not only can significantly increase the egg production rate and feed conversion rate, and the nature of the egg is no difference, can directly improve the economic efficiency of each chicken; The data showed that the use of acidophilus vitriolic strains to prevent and control chicks, the incidence of the experimental group was significantly lower than the control group of 27.5%, so that the 30-day-old chicks daily gain increased by 12.26%. (4) For other animal breeding: Microecological preparations have good effects for other animal breeding. For example, in the area of ​​aquaculture, microecological preparations are mainly used to improve water quality, enhance the health of fish, and improve the commercial performance and species performance of fish after use. Because microecological agents have the function of inhibiting the growth of harmful bacteria, changing the intestinal microflora, reducing the incidence of diseases, and improving the immunity of the organism, at the same time, certain microorganisms such as bifidobacteria can be produced in the intestines and can produce lactic acid and lactic acid. , Which can increase the utilization of calcium, phosphorus, iron, and promote the absorption of iron and vitamin D, but also the synthesis of vitamins and proteins, which have a nutritional effect, so the micro-ecological agents in the livestock production on the broad prospects for application. 2. Problems needing attention in the use of microecological preparations (1) Pay attention to the selection of suitable strains. The diversity and specificity of microorganisms in the digestive tract of animals are different. Therefore, the requirements for strains of different animal species are also different. The same strain is used for different animals and the effects produced are often very different. When using, we must understand the performance and role of strains, different products have different effects, such as the improper use of choice, not only fail to achieve the desired effect, and some will destroy the original flora, and even cause disease, Therefore, it is necessary to select suitable preparations for their cultured species. (2) Note the use of dose and concentration. Animal microecological preparations must contain a predetermined number of viable counts in order to achieve their intended use. At present, China has officially approved the production of preparations, there are clear provisions for the number of bacteria and livestock and poultry consumption, such as Bacillus content ≥ 510 eighth power. When using it, it must be applied according to the instructions in the product. (3) Pay attention to the synergistic effect of antibiotics. When using microecological preparations for animals, pay attention to using antibiotics to clean up the intestinal tract, remove obstacles to the colonization and propagation of probiotics, and then take probiotics. (4) Pay attention to choose the appropriate time for taking it. Although animal probiotics can be used for a long time, and continuous use can produce control effects similar to the use of antibiotics, it is a good way to produce products without drug residues, but long-term use will increase the cost of breeding. Therefore, for the current situation of small-scale households feeding on a small scale, this preparation is used as an ecological regulator and is used within the appropriate period of time during the rearing process, such as rehabilitation after illness, various stress factors, etc. The dysbacteriosis, treatment of dyspepsia, and other effects will be better and more practical. (5) Pay attention to the shelf life of the preparation. Since it is a viable preparation, pay attention to its shelf life in the application. With the extension of the preservation time, the number of live bacteria gradually decreases. The rate of decline varies depending on strains and preservation conditions. Therefore, attention should be paid to the preservation method and shelf life, and it is easy to expire after expiration.

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