Chinese scientist Professor Zhuang Xiaowei successfully resolved the single-cell chromatin super-resolution microstructure
December 10, 2018 Source: Ministry of Science and Technology
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About 3 billion DNA base pairs in the human genome contain more than 20,000 genes and have millions of regulatory elements; their nucleus is only 10-20 microns in size, but its DNA length is as high as 2 meters. It is generally accepted in the academic community that the high degree of folding and dynamic changes in the spatial conformation of chromosomes play an active role in the expression and regulation of genes. However, traditional high-throughput sequencing and scHi-C (single cell Hi-C) methods are mostly based on population average analysis of populations. Currently, topologically associating domains cannot be resolved at the single cell level. , TADs) and chromatin loops (loops), etc.; this study used MERFISH ultra-high resolution imaging technology to directly prove the physical structure of the TAD-like domain at the single-cell level, and the boundaries of the domain (boundaries) It has a high degree of heterogeneity in different cells; it provides a new opportunity to further clarify the specific spatiotemporal expression mechanism of the same gene in different cells.
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