In recent investigations in the countryside, it has been found that the following three kinds of diseases of cucumbers occur more severely, and vegetable farmers must do a good job in prevention and control.
One, cucumber anthrax
1. Symptoms. The main damage leaves and fruits. In the seedling stage, semicircular lesions occur at the edge of the cotyledon, appearing brown to reddish-brown and slightly sunken. The base of the stem is dark brown and the seedlings are folded. On the adult diseased leaves, yellow-brown and round spots appeared, which gradually expanded into a nearly round reddish-brown lesion with yellow halos on the edges and strips and perforation after drying. The melon culprit had dark brown sulcus lesions, oblong, and spilled pink gel, cracking later.
2. Control measures. (1) Selection of resistant varieties, Jinyan 4 and others are more resistant to disease. Seed-free seeds or seed disinfection before sowing: soaking in warm water at 50°C for 20 minutes, soaking in 100-fold acetic acid for 30 minutes, clearing with water, and germination. (2) Cultivate strong seedlings and increase the application of organic fertilizer to the seedbed to improve the disease resistance of the plants. Strengthen the cultivation and management, prohibit flood irrigation, remove water from the field in time after rain, reduce the humidity in the field, and control the humidity below 70%. (3) Increase the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, implement rotation, and remove diseased leaves and diseased melons immediately after the diseased plants are found. (4) Use 50% thiophanate-methyl WP 700 times, 80% carbendazim WP 600 times, and 80% anthrax DM WP 800 times, spray every 7-10 days. Times, continuous spray 2 to 3 times.
Second, cucumber powdery mildew
1. Symptoms. The main site of disease was leaf, followed by petiole and stem. At the beginning of the disease, white orbicular small pink spots appear on the front or back of the leaves. When the environment is suitable, the lesions expand rapidly, and the leaves are covered with patches of leaves. The leaves are covered with white powdery mildew. Sometimes the leaves are dark brown on the late stages. point. Symptoms on the petioles and tender stems are similar to those of the leaves, but little white powder is present. The disease generally develops gradually from the bottom up. When the disease is severe, the white powder turns to grayish white, and the leaves wither and shrink, but generally do not fall off.
2. Control measures. (1) Select disease-resistant varieties, such as Jinza No.1 and No.2. (2) 15% triadimefon WP can be used to prevent and control powdery mildew.
Third, cucumber downy mildew
1. Symptoms. Cucumber downy mildew is a fungal disease. The disease mainly affects functional leaves. Young leaves and old leaves suffer less, and the invasion of the disease gradually expands upwards. Constrained by veins, it is a pale-brown, yellow-brown patch of polygons. When the temperature is high, a gray moldy layer grows on the back of the leaf.
2. Control measures. The first is the selection of disease-resistant varieties, and the occurrence of Jinza series is lighter. The second is to nurture strong seedlings, increase the application of organic fertilizer to seedbeds, use nutritious seedlings to raise seedlings, prevent leggy and aging, make seedlings grow robustly, and increase disease resistance. The third is to choose a high-lying, well-drained place for cultivation. The fourth is to deepen and flatten the land, apply the base fertilizer, and increase the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. Improve plant disease resistance. Fifth, ecological control. Avoid high temperatures and high humidity. Reduce early watering, planting to harvest generally do not water, especially not flood irrigation, timely cultivator, reduce soil moisture, etc., can effectively control the occurrence of downy mildew. Seventh, as soon as the downy mildew occurs, it can be treated with medicaments. The agent is mainly made of water, and it should be evenly and thoroughly sprayed. The leaves should be sprayed evenly on the back, with the focus on the back layer of the diseased leaves. The commonly used agents are: 64% anti-virus WP 400 times, 50% carbendazim 800 times, 72% Prec fluid 800 times.
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