What is the total tongue ulcers to eat?

Tongue ulcers are oral diseases that occur frequently in most people in daily life. There are many causes of tongue ulcers, and most of them are mainly fire. Poor eating habits and living habits are the causes of getting angry. Therefore, if you want to prevent tongue ulcers, you must first take care to prevent them from getting angry. For example, to develop regular drinking habits, whether or not thirsty should drink plenty of water, this is the best way to prevent getting angry. So how to use diet to treat patients with tongue ulcers?

One, fresh radish juice

Foodstuff: Several white radish, fresh lotus root 500g


1 radish clean, spare; è—• clean, spare;

2. Place the radish and lotus root in a clean container and smash it. Then use a sterile gauze to wring the juice in double layers. Take it several times a day in the mouth and spit it out in the mouth, or you can swallow it.


Two, gallnut honey juice

Ingredients: Gallon 10g, Green tea 1 tsp, Honey 25g


1. The gall is clean and spare;

2. Prepare gallnuts into the pot, add the appropriate amount of fresh water at the same time, boil over the fire and add green tea and honey. After 5 minutes of brewing, you can drink it. The symptoms of drinking tongue ulcers for three consecutive days can be significantly relieved.

Third, dandelion sugar drink

Ingredients: Mung bean 50 g, Dandelion 15 g, Sugar candy


1 mung beans clean, spare;

2. Mung beans are boiled in the pot, and then the dandelion is decocted with water. Take out the dandelion juice into the green bean juice, and put in a proper amount of crystal sugar to taste.

Fourth, bitter melon lean meat soup

Ingredients: 150 g fresh bitter gourd, 100 g pork lean, proper amount of pickles


1. Bitter gourd goes to the sac, clean and cut into pieces; spare lean meat is cleaned and sliced ​​for use;

2. Put the bitter gourd pieces and pork slices into the pot, add the appropriate amount of fresh water and pour it over low heat, and pour it into the pickle after 1 hour. Continue cooking over medium heat for 30 minutes. Add appropriate amount of chicken seasoning and serve immediately.

Dried Fruit

Dried Fruit,Freeze Dried Strawberries,Dehydrated Fruit,Dried Goji Berries

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