Drugs can reverse memory loss in Alzheimer's mice

Drugs can reverse memory loss in Alzheimer's mice

January 30, 2019 Source: Science and Technology Daily Author: Liu Xia

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According to a recent report by the British "Independent", American researchers have found that drugs can be used to reverse the memory loss caused by Alzheimer's disease in rats, and the results are expected to benefit human patients.

There are currently no treatments that can cure or continue to delay the deterioration of Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's disease can lead to a decline in thinking ability and memory. At present, most of the research is focused on solving the problem of accumulation of toxic masses formed by abnormal protein molecules, which is also a sign that the disease is deteriorating.

But the latest research author, Professor Yan Zhen of Buffalo University and colleagues studied another factor that affects memory formation. They found that neurons in the frontal cortex of rats with Alzheimer's disease are gradually losing a key neurotransmitter, the receptor for glutamate, which is part of the brain responsible for working memory. . In addition, autopsy results indicate that these patients are also absent from human patients with Alzheimer's disease.

They studied genetic changes that affect how DNA instructions are read and expressed in cells (so-called epigenetics). Drugs that restore memory can be developed by deciphering which epigenetic changes may interfere with signaling between neurons and lead to memory loss.

Professor Yan Zhen said: "We have not only identified the epigenetic factors that lead to memory loss, but also found a way to temporarily reverse memory loss in animal models of Alzheimer's disease. After administration, through cognitive memory, space Memory and working memory are evaluated, and we see that our cognitive function has been restored. We are very surprised to see such a huge cognitive improvement."

Although these improvements lasted only a week, it was a huge improvement for researchers. However, the transient effects obtained in mice do not ensure that the same effect is produced in humans. Clive Ballard, a professor at the University of Exeter in the United Kingdom, said: "This effect is exciting, but we need to be cautious."

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