Key points of high-yield cultivation techniques for watermelon in summer

Choose anti-reverse disease resistance, high temperature and high humidity varieties: such as disease-resistant Su honey, black diamond, Jinzhong Guanlong and so on.

Select the ground, finely, and apply enough base fertilizer: to select the soil with good ventilating water permeability, high organic matter content, fast-acting NPK and trace elements, and no tidal soil, which is suitable for the selection of land. After the wheat is harvested, plow the depth of 20-25 cm. After the ploughing and ploughing at the end of June and July, according to the ridge distance of 1.6-1.7 m, digging into a fertilization ditch with a width of 20 cm and a depth of 15 cm, applying 3000-4000 kg of fully decomposed organic fertilizer per 667 m2, and 15 kg of potassium dihydrogen phosphate. , 15 kg of potassium sulfate, 1 kg of boron fertilizer, and then turned into a high ridge to be planted.

Cover the mulch film, sowing, scaffolding: 1 Use a film with a width of 0.9 m and a thickness of 0.004 mm; 2 pre-emerge the watermelon seeds before sowing, and sown directly after exposure. Seeding is planted at a distance of 60 cm from the plant, with 1 to 2 capsules per hole. In order to prevent pests and diseases, 667 square meters can be mixed with fine sand with 812 powder 2 kg and carbendazim 0.5 kg, evenly point in, pay attention to a certain distance from the seed, and then cover the soil; 3 after planting with a width of 0.9 m, A thick 0.006 mm film covers the bow shed to prevent rain and cool.

When covering the cover, do not block the two ends of the small bow shed. Cover each other at 0.5 meters on both sides. It should not be too tight to facilitate ventilation and cooling.

Summering watermelon management

1. From emergence to female flower opening period. During this period, when the length is more than 1 meter, the shed should be evacuated in time, and the seedlings should be paid attention to in the previous 3 to 5 days. At the beginning, pay attention to the film and remove it in the morning and evening. After the shed, the film is laid flat on the side of the melon and pressed with soil. Each shed is carried out in sequence.

2, pruning and snoring. After the shed, it will be carried out in time. Use two or three vines to leave the melon, leave a melon with strong growth, melon shape, egg size, and remove the other inferior melon.

3, after the management of the melon.

1 timely topdressing, generally 667 square meters of urea 25 - 30 kg;

2 focus on prevention and control of downy mildew and anthrax. Control downy mildew with chlorothalonil per 667 square meters or 100 grams of water to kill 60-80 kg of spray; control of anthrax per 667 square meters with chlorothalonil or a 100-125 grams of water to 60- ―80 kg spray;

3 For the control of beet armyworm, 80 ml of water for the enemy emulsifiable concentrate can be used for 40-50 kg of water, or with a night moth killing 100 g of water per 667 m2 and spraying 60-80 kg of water, the effect is better.

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