New method for efficient 3D printing of living tissue

New method for efficient 3D printing of living tissue

August 17, 2017 Source: Xinhua News Agency

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Oxford University of the United Kingdom released a study on the 15th that a new method can use the cells cultured in the laboratory to construct living tissue in 3D printing. If the technology is mature, it can be used to produce complex artificial tissues and cartilage in the future, and help regenerative medicine. development of.

The project was completed in collaboration with scholars from the University of Oxford and the University of Bristol. The team placed the animal cells in tiny droplets and then wrapped a layer of lipid, which they then assembled into a living tissue structure.

According to a report published by the researchers in the journal Science Report (Nature), this 3D printing method can improve the survival rate of individual cells and the accuracy of living tissue. This method helps solve the problem that has been plagued by living tissue 3D printing, that is, the cells in the printed living tissue often move, eventually causing the entire structure to disintegrate.

The team hopes that this technology can be used in the future to create more accurate human tissue models for the development of various medical trials and treatments without the need for animals. For example, drug-reactive or toxin screening tests can be performed on this 3D printed artificial tissue.

One of the report's authors, Bristol University scholar Adam Perryman, said that the new method developed by the team can print cell-based structures efficiently and with high precision, and reduce waste of materials. New technologies have potential in the future. Promote the development of global regenerative medicine. (Reporter Zhang Jiawei)

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