In the cultivation of Hericium erinaceus, the malformed grotesque mushroom body often appears, which directly reduces the commodity value and affects the economic benefit of the producer, thus becoming a difficult point in production. The main reason is that the cultivation and management of ecological loss of control. Here we introduce the type, morphology, causes of the malformation mushroom and avoidance measures. 1. Bare-spotless mushroom body clustered branches, individual hypertrophy, surface roughness, rough, no hair, crispy flesh, slightly yellow-brown, smell normal. The main reasons for this are the high temperature and low humidity. The water evaporation of the seed body is too large, and the humidity has not kept up with it in time, resulting in the formation of bald mushrooms without long bristles. Preventive measures: Attention to temperature and moisture. In wild mushroom bed cultivation, when the temperature exceeds 25°C, cover membranes should be opened sooner or later. During the day, cover membranes should be opened to make them breathable. Gutter irrigation reduces ground temperature, sprays atomized water in the space to increase the humidity, maintains the relative humidity of the air above 90%, and thickens the cover to reduce sunlight transmission and reduce water evaporation. 2. Coral clusters The mushroom base was branched several times and resembled corals. Obviously a root-like fungus was connected to the culture medium. Some of these seed entities died during the fruiting period, and some of them continued to grow and develop. The tops of the branchlets continued to swell, forming small seed entities in multiple states. The main reason is that the concentration of carbon dioxide is too large, which stimulates the differentiation of the stipe and inhibits the development of the central part, resulting in the formation of irregular corals. There are also some bactericidal substances contained in the culture material, so that mycelial growth is inhibited or stimulated. Prevention methods: 1 strengthen ventilation and improve environmental conditions. 2 When selecting culture materials, remove trees containing bactericidal substances such as fir, pine, lotus root and poplar. 3 The coral-like seed body has been formed. It is scraped together with the surface culture material at an early age and then cultivated. 3. The color of the abnormal color mushroom body turns yellow, the thorn is short and thick; some seed entities are red, or the young mushroom starts to germinate to mature and all appear pink, and the mushroom body is bitter. The reason for such color change is mainly the low temperature. Often due to cultivation in autumn and winter, the sudden drop in temperature, seed development stage is less than 10 °C, mushroom body will turn red, and as the temperature drops, the color deepens. In some cases, the seed body was stimulated by DC wind and the mushroom body was chlorosis. For discolored mushrooms, the cause should be treated symptomatically. Due to the low temperature, when arranging the inoculation, it is necessary to consider that about 25 days after inoculation, the local temperature should not be lower than 14°C. Therefore, the best inoculation period can be calculated for the community and you can avoid low temperature damage. Warming up method: The field planting can cover the plastic film tightly, ventilate when the temperature is high at noon, and open the cover, increase the brightness, and try to avoid ventilating directly on the mushroom body, or add it on the mushroom bag at the outlet. Cover wet gauze. 4. The mildew-type mushroom body grows normally in the early stage. During the growth period, the bristles fall and the mushroom body shrinks. Some mushrooms turn brown and moldy. The former is often due to high temperatures, air-drying, apparently lack of water, so as to stop growing; gradually shrink and dry. Water should be sprayed in a timely manner and trace sprays should be restored on the mushroom body. If the mushrooms are found to be rotten, the disease or mold infections should be used. Ventilation and cooling should be strengthened. The emergence of mildew has to be excavated in time, and 3% bleaching water or 1% lime water must be applied locally to control the spread of germs.
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