Recently, the State Council officially issued the "13th Five-Year National Informationization Plan" (hereinafter referred to as the plan). "Planning" is an important part of the "13th Five-Year Plan" national planning system, and is an action guide to guide the informationization work of various regions and departments during the "13th Five-Year Plan" period.
The Plan states that the Health China Information Service initiative will be listed as a priority action. And pointed out that the social security card penetration rate, the electronic health record urban and rural residents coverage should reach 90% in 2020.
The "Planning" also requires that by 2018, the degree of convenience of information technology to promote medical and health services will be greatly improved, and the telemedicine service system will be basically formed. By 2020, new health information services based on perceptual technologies and products will gradually become popular, and informationization will be realized. Everyone enjoys a significant role in basic medical and health services. It is necessary to create an efficient and convenient smart health care and convenience service, comprehensively promote the population health information service system, and promote and standardize health care big data applications.
In fact, medical informatization has always been a key area of ​​national concern. The 2016 National Health and Wellness Conference emphasized that medical reform needs to make breakthroughs in the construction of basic medical and health systems such as the grading diagnosis and treatment system, and improve the construction of the population health information service system and promote the application of health medical big data. Emphasis has risen to the highest decision-making level.
In September this year, the National Health and Family Planning Commission issued the "Electronic Medical Record Sharing Document Specification", "Electronic Medical Record and Hospital Information Platform Standard Compliance Test Specification", and "Electronic Health Archives and Regional Health Information Platform Standard Compliance Test Specification" ( A total of 57 health industry standards) three standard specifications for medical informationization, and clearly stated that the standard specifications will be implemented as of February 1, 2017.
It is worth noting that although the government attaches great importance to medical informatization, mobile medical care or Internet medical treatment, there is also a good voice in the market. However, Wang Caiyou, deputy director of the Statistical Information Center of the National Health and Family Planning Commission, said that medical informationization needs It is not a piece of applause, but a real answer to a breakthrough. Now the hospital's electronic medical records, the establishment of electronic health records, whether it is really used, whether it really solves people's health problems, whether it can improve the quality of medical services, these issues deserve to be considered by every medical information worker.
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