Teach you "healthy eating meat away from cancer"
October 18, 2016 Source: Bio Valley
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Three general cancer factors in meat food
There are three main factors in the processing of meat products that increase the risk of cancer, which are iron (essentially found in all kinds of meat), nitrosamines (which are found in various types of processed meat). In the class), there are polycyclic amine molecules (a class of chemical molecules produced during meat cooking).
1. First, iron is present in different meats and is an essential element of the body. Iron deficiency can cause iron deficiency anemia and is a potential health risk. However, excessive intake of iron per day can lead to an increased risk of cancer, as iron and other iron-containing compounds may act as catalysts to promote the production of oxygen free radicals. And many other different health factors, such as sunlight, salt and fat, are toxic or safe, mainly depending on the dose. Therefore, leaving the dose to talk about toxicity, are all hooligans.
2. When fresh meat is marinated, smoked or otherwise treated, if nitrite is added or nitrite is produced, it will promote the production of nitrosamines. It is widely believed that the meat products containing the most nitrosamines in American supermarkets are bacon, as well as luncheon meat, various sausages, and hot dogs. For the Chinese people's eating habits, we tend to eat fresh meat, but also eat ham, cured meat, smoked meat, meat, etc., which are undoubtedly carried. High levels of nitrosamines. In addition, some meats such as seafood (whether fresh or marinated) have high concentrations of nitrosamines. The nitrosamine content in these foods is much less, such as grains, dairy products, oils, and wine.
3. Polycyclic amine chemicals are often produced during food cooking, and different cooking methods result in different concentrations of cyclic amine chemicals. It is generally believed that large polycyclic amines are produced during the process of zooming in the protein caused by grilling and frying. Common polycyclic amines are PhIP, IQ, MeIQx and 3,8-diMeIQx. These polycyclic amines have been shown to be carcinogenic and mutagenic to humans.
Different foods are carcinogenic
If basically processed meat can't escape the high carcinogenic properties, there is still some information you need to know, that is, different types of meat foods, the carcinogenicity is very different.
For example, although beef jerky or dried pork is processed meat, the method of making beef jerky does not involve cooking or pickling. It is purely a dehydration process of meat. The dehydration process may be natural drying or artificial accelerated drying. Essentially it is not much different from fresh meat. Moreover, scientists believe that the chemical composition of the meat dehydration process has not changed significantly and is therefore considered safe.
Some pre-cooked or pre-processed meats are quite different. For example, some patties may not be pure meat, but often a mixture of minced meat, often containing edible by-products such as blood, liver, skin and fat tissue. The treatment is often done by simply heating the raw meat mixture in the first step, heating it in the second step and finally processing and encapsulating it. Therefore, this two-step treatment in processed meat is significantly different from dehydrated meat. However, the International Cancer Institute does not give a percentage point data on the contribution of different meat treatments to cancer, so the specific carcinogenicity is still unknown. Even so, eating processed meat is not necessarily carcinogenic. The main question is what kind of meat you choose to eat and the amount of food you eat.
How to choose healthy processed meat
Some food processing processes have different additives. For example, some sausage food factories claim that they do not have any type of nitrosamines in their products. Regardless of whether they are telling the truth or not, what we need to understand is that when choosing to process meat products, we need to pay attention to the additive ingredients in the food, and also need to pay attention to the length of the shelf life. In general, the amount of nitrosamines in the processed meat with less added amount of salt, preservatives, flavors, etc., should theoretically be much less. For products with a short shelf life, the amount of preservative added may be small. If the processing of processed meat is only the addition of pure plant-derived additives, the relative carcinogenicity of this food will be lower.
Food cooking methods also need to be noted. Try to avoid those carcinogens, such as polycyclic amine chemicals, during cooking. Therefore, the way of steaming and boiling will be healthier than frying, smoking or baking, with less carcinogens and less fumes. Because the fumes in the cooking process are also very dangerous after entering the lungs, this is also a general cancer risk for many long-term cooking people.
The politically correct way of eating meat should be modest. You can also have a balanced, healthy and environmentally friendly eating habit by managing the processing, cooking and consumption of processed meat.
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