Britain develops "eye blind" eye drops to prevent the elderly
October 20, 2017 Source: Pharmaceutical Network
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When a person is old, his physical function will definitely begin to decline. His hair becomes white, his memory is declining, his joints are degraded, and his backache and back pain appear. In addition, the deterioration of vision is inevitable, in addition to presbyopia may also produce cataracts and "macular degeneration" (macular degeneration), if severely deteriorated can also lead to blindness (Notes 1, 2).
Macular lesions are a phenomenon in which the retina of the eye gradually degenerates, and the excessive action of "angiogenic growth factor" (Note 3) in the eyeball is the main cause of the accelerated deterioration of macular degeneration in many patients. Therefore, the ophthalmologist can inject the "antibody" of "anti-angiogenic factor" into the inside of the patient's eyeball, thereby stabilizing the condition and slowing down the disease. Although this treatment is effective, the cost per injection is not low, and the risk of blindness may increase due to bacterial infection inside the eyeball.
Recently, Dr. Felicity de Cogan, a biochemist at the Institute of Inflammation and Aging at the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom, developed an angiogenic factor antibody in the form of eye drops. The results of animal experiments have also shown to stabilize macular degeneration. The deterioration effect is equivalent to eyeball injection, and it is expected to benefit the majority of patients with macular degeneration. The study was published in the Ophthalmology Authoritative Journal of Investigative Opthalmology & Visual Science in May this year.
In his eye drops, Dr. Felicity de Cogan incorporates a cell-penetrating peptide (CPP) (Note 4), which helps the cells that pass through the eye to reach the retina, after finishing the eye drops. Within a few minutes, the drug reaches the retina inside the eyeball and works. He said: "Our eye drops for the treatment of patients with macular degeneration will be a revolutionary invention, not only can reduce the risk of infection but also reduce the cost of treatment." The technology of combining CPP with other drugs also has potential to apply Development of other chronic ophthalmic drugs, if successful, can benefit a wider range of eye diseases.
Note 1: Age-related macular degeneration is a phenomenon in which the central part of the retina gradually degenerates with age. At the beginning of the lesion, visual distortion (larger or smaller) may occur. If the condition worsens, it will eventually cause vision loss and blindness.
Note 2: If the elders find distortion of the visual object, black shadows or even blurred vision in the center of the visual field are precursors to macular lesions. If one eye attack occurs, the chance of another eye lesion is also much larger than that of the average person. Therefore, when the above symptoms are found, you should receive active treatment as soon as possible in the ophthalmology.
Note 3: Angiogenic factors promote angiogenesis in normal tissues, but excessive secretion may cause excessive proliferation of blood vessels. If retinal vascular proliferation may cause retinal detachment, it will seriously affect vision.
Note 4: The peptide is a macromolecular compound composed of several amino acids.
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