Medicinal character
Indigo leaves
Dry leaves are crushed into clumps, sometimes broken, grayish green or yellow-brown. Intact leaves are oblong to oblong-lanceolate, 4 to 11 cm long, 1 to 3 cm wide, full or microwave-shaped; apex blunt, base splayed, wings extended, sometimes spotted Protuberances, apparently below midrib. Petiole length 5 to 7 cm, slightly concave ventral surface. Brittle and brittle. The gas is weak and the taste is bitter. It is better to use large, sessile, dark grayish green leaves.
The main production of Jiangsu, Anhui, Hebei, Henan, Zhejiang and other places.
[Pinyin] Dà QīnɡYè
[alias] Daqing ("Ben Cao Jing Zhuang"), blue leaves, blue vegetables, blue lotus leaves.
[Source] Brassicaceae leaves or leaves of indigo.
Indigo leaves
From October to October, the leaves were harvested and dried.
Dried Squids,Dried Cuttlefish,Dehydrated Squid,Dry Calamari
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