Species classification
Soft comfrey
Herbs perennial, 15-40 cm tall. The whole plant was white or yellowish long bristles. Strong roots. Slightly conical, the root is often twisted with several lateral roots, and the skin is dark red and purple. Stems erect, single or base parts dichotomous, bases with stem sheaths formed by residual leaf bases. Basal leaves clustered, linear-lanceolate or linear, 5-20 cm long, 5-15 cm wide, apex shortly acuminate, base sheathless; petiole-free. Verruform cymes densely arranged on stems and leaf blades, 2-6 cm long; flowers bisexual, sepals leaflike, lanceolate, bristly; calyx shortly compressed, 5-lobed, lobes narrowly lobed, densely yellowish on both surfaces. Bristles; corolla shortly campanulate, purple or lavender, 1--1.5 cm long, lobes elliptic, spreading; lateral margin slightly whitish, throat and base smooth, without appendages; stamens 5, filaments short or absent, Close to sleep in the middle of the corolla or throat; ovary 4 deep, style slender, apex shallow 2 crack, stigma 2, obovate. Nutlets are broadly ovate, brown, 3.5 mm long and 3 mm wide. There are coarse and a few ridges. Flowering from June to July, fruiting from August to September.
Perennial herb, high 50-90cm. Roots thick, hypertrophic, conical, slightly curved, often branched, unbranched, or branched above, densely covered with dense white hairs. Leaves alternate; sessile; leaf blade oblong to lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, 3-8 cm long, 5-17 mm wide, apex acuminate, base cuneate, entire, strigose on both surfaces. Cymes racemose, terminal or axillary; flowers small, bisexual; bracts lanceolate or narrowly ovate, as long as 3cm, with hairs on both surfaces; calyx 5 deeply lobed near base, lobes linear, ca. 4mm; corolla Simplified, 6-8 cm long, apex 5-lobed, lobes broadly ovate, hemispherical appendages spreading, apex slightly dimpled; stamens 5, inserted at middle of corolla crown, filaments ca. 0.4 mm, inserted Corolla simple central, anthers long 1-1.2mm, ovary deeply 4-lobed, style linear, 2-2.5mm long, stigma globose, 2-lobed. Nutlets ovoid, about 3mm long, pale or yellowish brown, smooth, shiny. 4 seeds. Flowering from June to August, fruiting from August to September.
3. Yellow Lithospermum
Perennial herb, 10-35cm high. Root conical or cylindrical, slightly twisted, purple-brown skin, often flaky peeling. Stems erect, usually branched from base, 2-4, sometimes 1, erect, densely spreading long bristles and short furs. Leaves sessile, alternate, elliptic, long ovate-lanceolate or spatulate-linear, 1.5-5.5 cm long, 3-11 mm wide, apex blunt or obtuse, base attenuate and decurrent, entire or imbricate, both surfaces A dense white base coat with dense stems. Cyprinus cymes, 3-10 cm long; flowers numerous, dense; bracts linear-lanceolate; calyx short bell-shaped, 5-lobed, lobes linear-lanceolate, 6-10 mm long; corolla bright yellow, simple Bell-shaped, slender, ca. 1.8 mm long; ovary 4-lobed, style filamentous, slightly more than half as simple as corolla, apex 2-lobed, stigma headed. Nutlets triangular-ovate, 2-3 mm long, pale yellow-brown, with small verrucose projections. Flowering from June to August, fruiting from August to October.
4. Xinjiang comfrey
Herbs perennial, 15-35 cm tall, with white hairs throughout. The roots are thick, purple and twisted. Stems erect, single or dichotomous from base. Basal leaves clustered, linearly needle-shaped, entire, yellowish green; stem leaves alternate, shorter. Iris cymules honey borne on stem, inflorescences capitate; bracts leaflike, linear-lanceolate, bristly; calyx shortly cylindric, sessilely 5-lobed; corolla tube long, lavender or purple, Apex 5-lobed, lobes ellipsoid; stamens 5, filaments very short or absent; ovary 4-parted, style slender, stigma globose, nutlet sclerotin, broadly ovate, pale brown, with verrucose projections. Flowering from June to July, fruiting period from August to September.
Xinjiang comfrey was born in the grassy swards on the mountainous slopes of the high mountains.
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