Patients with malignant cancer often receive aggressive treatment at the end of their lives

Release date: 2016-06-08

Researchers from the University of North Carolina's Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center have found that in the last month of life for young cancer patients, they continue to be hospitalized and receive other high-rate active treatments. The researchers conducted a nationwide health efficacy analysis of metastatic cancer patients under the age of 65. The results showed that two-thirds of patients remained hospitalized or entered the emergency room during the last 30 days of their lives. However, almost one-third of patients will eventually die in the hospital.

This initial study (LBA 10033) was presented at the 2016 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. Researcher Dr. Aaron Falchook pointed out that cancer therapy often has side effects, and when cancer patients are nearing the end of their lives, aggressive treatments tend not to be very effective. Essentially, doing this (positive therapy) does not give any advanced patients any Benefits, on the contrary, can have certain side effects, which may be the fundamental problem of active therapy for the treatment of cancer patients who end their lives.

The researchers analyzed data from 28,731 metastatic cancer patients under the age of 65 in the database, including lung cancer, breast cancer, colorectal cancer, or prostate cancer. The researchers analyzed that these patients received 30 days of life. The frequency of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and invasive therapies, as well as the patient's access to emergency room treatment or hospitalization, intensive care, and ultimately death in the hospital.

Among the 5 types of cancers tested, the ratio of patients who performed one or more forms of active care during the last 30 days of life ranged from 71% to 76%. In terms of chemotherapy alone, the researchers found that 24% of prostate cancer patients received chemotherapy, and 33% of breast cancer patients also received chemotherapy. In hospitalization, 62% of colorectal cancer patients and 65% of lung cancer patients The patient chose to be admitted to hospital or to emergency treatment.

Researcher Falchook said that for cancer patients, over-treatment at the end of life tends to increase the burden on patients and families. If the relevant treatments make the patient weaker, the patient will continue to treat, which will undoubtedly increase the family's family economy. Stress, but this usually does not extend the patient's survival. Researchers believe that some therapies will not only be recommended, but also bring some benefits to patients whose life is coming to an end, helping them to alleviate pain or pain; for example, researchers say that radiotherapy can alleviate pain, but our goal should not be, In the last 30 days of life, the rate of patients receiving radiotherapy, chemotherapy or other treatment is 0%. Of course, there is a suitable treatment to some extent, and the researchers found that three-quarters of patients Will continue to receive positive treatment.

The researchers said that the current study has many limitations. For example, they are not able to determine the ultimate therapeutic goal of the active therapy involved in the study. Of course, this requires a more in-depth study to identify the use of aggressive treatment. The reason for the drive.

Source: Bio Valley

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