Researchers achieve safe switching of the blood-brain barrier

Researchers achieve safe switching of the blood-brain barrier

August 7, 2018 Source: China Science News Author: Lu also

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A Phase I clinical trial published by Nature-Communication recently opened the blood-brain barrier of five Alzheimer's patients in a non-invasive and reversible manner. The results show that the procedure is safe, but the efficacy of focused ultrasound to improve the clinical symptoms of Alzheimer's disease is inconclusive.

Alzheimer's disease, commonly known as Alzheimer's disease, is characterized by progressive loss of cognitive function in the brain. According to the International Alzheimer's Association, there are currently approximately 48 million patients worldwide. There are currently about 6 million Alzheimer's patients in China, and the main affected population is the elderly. There is currently no effective treatment for patients with Alzheimer's disease to heal.

The researchers point out that the blood-brain barrier prevents treatment drugs from reaching the brain, and focused ultrasound combined with microbubble technology can effectively open the blood-brain barrier and clear amyloid in the brain of Alzheimer's animal model. In addition, focused ultrasound can also act on brain tumor patients through an implant device.

Nir Lipsman and colleagues at the Sunnybrook Health Science Center in Toronto, Canada, used a non-invasive device to detect amyloidogenic areas in the right frontal lobe of five patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease (3 men, two women) Focused ultrasound irradiation is performed. The results show that this operation can quickly and reversibly open the blood-brain barrier of five patients without significant adverse reactions. However, no significant clinical changes were detected in the patient's amyloid imaging markers and cognitive function.

The researchers said the results showed that the procedure was safe, but the ability to effectively remove amyloid and improve cognitive function still needs to be confirmed by large-scale studies. (Lu Yi)

Related paper information: DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-04529-6

Chinese Journal of Science and Technology (2018-08-06 2nd Edition International)

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