Anti-malarial drugs can help fight cancer

Anti-malarial drugs can help fight cancer

August 03, 2016 Source: Pharmatimes

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According to the latest research, an anti-malarial drug can help with radiation therapy to destroy tumors. A study sponsored by the British Cancer Institute published in the Natural Communication Study to observe the effect of the drug atovaquone on tumors in mice at hypoxic levels to see if it can be used to treat cancer. Studies have shown that drugs slow the rate of oxygen utilization by tumor cells through mitochondria acting on cell-dynamic sources.

Because radiation therapy works by destroying DNA in cells, providing a good supply of oxygen to reduce the ability of cancer cells to repair damaged DNA, cells with hypoxic levels are more difficult to successfully treat by radiation therapy. By slowing the use of oxygen, atovaquone reverses low levels of oxygen in almost all tumors. All-oxygen tumors are more susceptible to destruction by firing therapy.

This drug has been shown to be effective in many tumors, including lung cancer, colon cancer, brain cancer, and head and neck cancer. This ancient drug is no longer a patented drug, and it is very easy to obtain and cheap as a generic drug.

The first author, Professor Gillies McKenna said: “This is an exciting result. We are now starting a clinical trial in Oxford to see if we can achieve the same results in patients. We hope that this existing low-cost drug will This means that resistance to cancer can turn to radiotherapy again. The drugs we use now have proven to be safe."


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