How to fertilize autumn flowers

Autumn flower fertilization should be combined with watering. According to the principle of “thin fertilizer and hard work”, thin fertilizer is usually applied once every half month. Divided into base fertilizer, top dressing and foliar fertilization. The base fertilizer is added with the soil when it is in the upper basin or the basin. Top dressing is generally a liquid fertilizer, such as bean cake water. Foliar fertilizers generally use quick-acting fertilizers with a concentration of 0.1% to 0.2%, such as potassium dihydrogen phosphate, urea, and the like.

Phosphorus-potassium fertilizer is applied to the dormant flowers in winter, and nitrogen fertilizer can be applied to flowers that do not sleep in winter. Reasonable phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can enhance the cold resistance of flowers. The flowering flowers in winter are the vegetative growth period in early autumn. Fertilizers mainly based on nitrogen fertilizer should be applied. During the late autumn, most of them are pregnant buds. When the secondary flowers are fertilized, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are the main nitrogen fertilizer, and excessive nitrogen fertilizer is not conducive to winter flowering.

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