Scientists develop new methods for antibody preparation

Scientists develop new methods for antibody preparation

March 17, 2017 Source: Bio Valley

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Antibodies can destroy invaders by directly inhibiting the activity of pathogens by binding to bacteria and viruses or by signaling to immune cells. The latter function makes antibodies a therapeutic weapon against cancer and other diseases.

But not all antibodies are the same. Because of the small but very important differences in the structure of antibody sugar molecules, two antibodies that attack the same invader may not have the same recruitment capabilities for immune cells.

Researchers from the University of Maryland and Rockefeller University have developed a method to modify the structure of the sugar molecule of an antibody, opening the door for biochemists to obtain antibodies with the same sugar molecule.

In a recent new study, the researchers took the approach one step further and further determined which combinations of sugar molecules could enhance or inhibit the ability of antibodies to send signals to the immune system. The relevant research results were published in the international academic journal PNAS. The study laid a new foundation for the development of highly effective antibodies against cancer and other diseases.

The ability of an antibody to send a killing signal depends on the structure of the sugar molecule chain attached to the antibody. For natural antibodies, there are many variability in these sugar molecular chains. Even for antibodies currently used for disease treatment, a given dose of antibody contains many variants, which are distinguished by the difference in sugar molecule groups.

While the previous approach attempts to distinguish these different variants and collect the most effective part, these methods are time consuming and expensive and are not 100% effective. The method used in this study ensures that researchers can obtain antibodies with the same sugar molecule group through biochemical techniques, and each antibody with a sugar molecule group can be independently tested to see if it can enhance or inhibit the immune response.

Most antibodies on the market today are used to treat cancer or autoimmune diseases. Researchers say their approach can improve existing antibodies on the market by directly modifying antibodies without the need to operate at the genetic level.

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