Broiler Breeding Technology

Site selection

1, to choose the terrain Gaozao, leeward sunny.

2, the site should have a certain slope, there is the drainage.

3, to stay away from the villages and towns, and other farms more than 1,000 meters away, easy to prevent the epidemic.

4, convenient transportation.

5, adequate water, good water quality, in line with drinking water standards.

6, the power supply is stable and reliable, it is best to own power generation equipment.

7. In accordance with national laws and regulations, it is forbidden to build a field in water conservation areas, tourist areas, nature reserves and other areas regulated by national and local laws.

Chicken house construction

1. Feeding of broilers requires all of them to be all in and out, so just build a chicken house.

2, using the "double slope" method to build a chicken house, about 3 meters high, the top should be added to the insulation layer, ventilated roof at the ridge, every 6 meters, add a rain cap on the skylight.

3. There are fixed walls on both sides of the house, and there are windows (about 1.35 meters in height and 0.90.8 meters in area). A window is opened every 3 meters.

4, in order to maintain ventilation and drying, but also to set the window, located between the bed and the ground, 0.400.4 meters, the windowsill from the ground 5 to 10 cm, set every 3 meters, you can also set the underground ventilation channel auxiliary ventilation.

5. The floor of the chicken house must be cement floor, and a foot-disinfecting pool with the width of the door is set at the entrance of the house.

6, the top inside should be a layer of plastic cloth, easy to heat and rinse.

7, the chicken house two sets of fan auxiliary ventilation.

Breeding facilities

1. The rack should be sturdy and durable. The web should be smooth and smooth. The meat bed should be 0.9 meters high and 3.5 meters wide. The length should be determined according to the length of the chicken house. The fence should be set with a 0.4 meter high fence.

2. The whole net bed need not be used in the chicken stage. The entire net bed can be separated into several separate chicken houses by using a plastic cloth. Only a part of the net bed is used, and the area is gradually expanded as the chicken grows to meet the density. Claim.

3, the chicken house heating equipment generally uses stove heating, but must install a chimney to prevent gas poisoning, the chimney can be appropriately extended according to the situation, in order to facilitate adequate cooling, saving energy.

4. Lighting time has a great influence on the growth rate of chickens. In addition to daily natural lighting, artificial lighting equipment is also required. Therefore, two lighting lines are to be installed in the chicken house. One lamp cap is installed every 3 meters, and one bulb lamp is used for every 20 square meters. The height is 2 meters from the ground, and incandescent lighting is generally used.

5, drinking water, feeding equipment should be sufficient to ensure that the birds drink water and feed. The general brooding stage requires every 50 chicks to be equipped with a drinker and feeder, one for every 30 days after 20 days of age.

6, equipped with the necessary cleaning and disinfection equipment, such as high-pressure cleaners and disinfection sprayer.

Into the preparation

1, 15 to 12 days before the chicks clean up the excrement of chicken coops, cleaning drinking fountains, feeders, high pressure water gun wash chicken coop walls, roofs, nets, floors, etc., and check the maintenance of chicken coop equipment.

2, the first 11 to 9 days before the chicks on the first sterilized chicken house (including nets, floors, drinking fountains, feeders, etc.), disinfection should close the doors and windows and vents, open the window after 10 hours of ventilation, Close doors and windows after ventilation for 3 to 4 hours. Drinkers and feeders are soaked with disinfectant.

3, into the second disinfection of the first 6 to 4 days, 40% of the formaldehyde solution can be used to spray 300 times the liquid disinfection, check the temperature before disinfection, so that the chicken house temperature of more than 26 °C, humidity of 80% or more, disinfection Thoroughly leaving no dead ends, closing doors and windows for more than 36 hours after disinfection, and then opening ventilation for no less than 24 hours.

4. Prepare the feed 3 to 1 days before the hatchlings, and separate the gauze with a plastic cloth. Separate it by the feeding density of 30 to 40 eggs per square meter in the first week of the brooding period. Preheating (preheating of walls and floors), pre-wetting, winter preheating should be carried out 3 days before hatching, and preheating temperature should be above 35°C. In summer, the temperature is pre-heated to 34°C one day in advance, and the brooding room is continuously humidified to ensure the humidity in the brooding room. Place a layer of cardboard on the bed to prevent chicks from getting cold. After the pre-heating and pre-wetting are completed, you can enter the chicks.

Brooding Management

1. Chicks 1 to 2 days old: The chicks should be sent to the chicken house as soon as possible after they are transported. Do not place the chicks on the slats immediately after they are brought into the chicken house. Immunize the chicks first and then use Newcastle disease bronchitis to eliminate the disease. Live seedlings use 1 drop for each chick's right eye. After immunization chicks can be placed on a net bed. After the immunization is completed, the chicks can start drinking for the first time. The first week of drinking water requires the use of warm water of about 20°C, and the addition of multivitamins to the water. It is necessary to keep enough water to ensure that every chick is allowed to drink. To the water. After 3 hours of drinking water for the first time, you can feed the feed. The feed uses chick-specific materials. The chicks are allowed to feed freely within 1 to 7 days of brooding. The first day requires feeding once every 2 hours (note Less feeding and diligent feeding) Observe changes in temperature and chick activity at any time (eg, even distribution, free movement, indicating that the temperature is suitable, such as the temperature between the piles shows that the temperature is too low), for the insulation, ventilation during the brooding period is not appropriate is too big. However, ventilation should be strengthened when the gas and disinfection are too strong, and ventilation can be carried out at high temperatures outside the house at noon every day. In the 1-2 days of brooding, the temperature should be kept above 33°C, the relative humidity should be 70%, and 24 hours light should be used for the first 2 days. The 40W incandescent bulb should be used for lighting.

2. Chicks from 3 to 4 days of age: From the 3rd day, the temperature in the house was reduced to 32°C, and the relative humidity was maintained between 65 and 70%. Pay attention to observing the feces of the chicks, clean up the dung, replace the pad, pay attention to the coal stove, chimney, and ventilation to prevent gas poisoning, request feeding every 3 hours, and reduce the light for 1 hour on the 3rd day, keeping at 23 Hours of light time.

3, chicks 5 to 7 days of age: the first 5 days when the temperature is adjusted to 32 ~ 30 °C, relative humidity maintained at 65%, 5 days of age when the chickens were immunized, using Newcastle disease oil seedlings subcutaneous injection. At the beginning of feeding on the 6th day, it was changed into a chicken tray and replaced with a 1/3 starter tray every day. Feed 6 times a day, turn off the lights for 2 hours in the evening and keep the light for 22 hours. From the seventh day, the area of ​​net beds was expanded so that the chicks were conspiring to keep at 35 per square meter.

4. Chickens aged 8 to 14 days: On the 8th day, the temperature of the house was lowered to 29°C. On the 9th day, a variety of vitamins were added to the chicken's drinking water, chickens were immunized, and Newcastle disease TV seedlings were used for eye drops or nasal drops. , 1 drop for each chicken. At the same time, on the 9th day, replace the water dispenser, remove the chick waterer and replace it with a chicken drinker, and adjust the drinker to an appropriate height. During this period, attention should be paid to observation of temperature, humidity, and proper ventilation, especially at night when there should be no abnormal breathing sounds. Starting from the 8th day, regular dosing should be performed. The amount of feed to be fed should be flexibly controlled according to the weight of the chickens. Generally, no restriction should be imposed on the amount of feed. After eating, there is no surplus, and 4 to 6 feedings a day are needed until the 13th. A variety of vitamins were added to the drinking water on the 14th day and the birds were immunized on the 14th day. After the immunization, drinkers should be cleaned and multivitamins added to drinking water. At this time, the area of ​​the net bed is gradually expanded as the chicken grows. During the period, the temperature of the house is maintained at 28°C and the humidity is 55%.

5, 15 to 22 days of age: Continue drinking one day of vitamin water on day 15 and strengthen ventilation in the house. On the 17th and 18th days, chickens were sterilized with peracetic acid 0.2% liquid, and on the 19th day they were replaced with chicken feeds (do not replace them all at the same time. Replace them in 4 days, ie 1/day 4 chickens were replaced with chicks, mixed and fed until they were all changed to adult chickens on the 4th day). During this period, the house temperature should be gradually reduced from 28°C on the 15th day to 26°C on the 22nd day, 1°C on two days, and the humidity should be controlled at 50-55%. At the same time, as the growth of chickens expands the net bed area, the stocking density is kept at 10 per square meter. The height of the drinking fountain was adjusted to meet the requirements of chickens. The birds were immunized with Newcastle disease four lines at 22 days of age. The illumination time was kept at 22 hours. After 15 days of age, the lights were switched from 40W to 15W for illumination.

6, 23 ~ 26 days of age: After immunization should pay attention to the temperature and humidity control, at the age of 25 days with chicken disinfection, add super multidimensional water, 26 days when the temperature down to 25 °C The humidity is controlled at 45 to 50%.

7, 27 ~ 34 days of age: to strengthen daily management, strengthen ventilation, such as the chicken house temperature is too high, to use cooling curtains and exhaust fans for cooling. During this period, the room temperature should be lowered from 25°C to 23°C and the humidity should be maintained at 40-45%.

8, 35 days old - Slaughter: Chickens are not allowed to use any drugs when they grow to 35 days of age. To strengthen ventilation in the house, the temperature of the house was reduced to 22°C from the age of 36 days. From the 35th day of age to slaughter, 24 hours of light should be kept every day. The purpose is to increase the feed intake of chickens, especially during the summer heat season. During the day, the temperature is high, the appetite of the chicken is poor, the feed intake is small, and the nighttime is cool, should allow The chickens are fully fed to increase the weight gain of the birds and advance the slaughter. The chickens were sterilized once at the age of 37 days. The temperature of the chicken house was lowered to 21°C and kept at the slaughter level until the age of 40. At the age of 43 days, the chickens were sterilized for the last time. They were generally slaughtered at 45-52 days and weighed about 2.5-3. kilogram.

Feeding management

1. Feeding standards: From 11 grams per day to 52 days per day, each about 248 grams per day, an increase of about 4 to 6 grams per day, feeding on time every day, according to the number of chickens, the growth rate determines the number of daily, Appropriate ventilation, air pollution can be discharged within the room, in exchange for fresh air. Pay attention to adjust temperature and humidity. To clean up the house dung on time, it is usually cleaned every 2 days.

2, the principle of ventilation: 1 to 25 days of age to insulation, with the increase of age, appropriate increase ventilation. After 25 days of age, ventilation and ventilation should be increased. In winter, 24 hours ventilation is required. However, it should be reduced at night.

3, health and epidemic prevention: do a good job at every stage of immunization, staff enter the shed to replace the special clothing, disinfectant pool disinfectant to be replaced, usually every 4 to 5 days to replace once. Foreign personnel are prohibited from entering and leaving the shed, and drugs and pharmaceutical additives are used in accordance with national laws and regulations.

Biological Product For Human

Tetanus Toxoid Vaccine,Toxoid Vaccine,Hep B Immune Globulin,Immunoglobulin Injections