Rice bacterial streak disease is an important quarantine disease of rice, and its occurrence is epidemic, fulminant and destructive. In recent days, heavy rains have occurred along the Yangtze River in Anqing, where long-term rainfall and large precipitation occur. The climatic conditions are very suitable for the epidemic of rice bacterial leaf streak. Currently, mid-season rice is in the stage of booting to heading, while single- and late-season rice are in fruition. From the period to the jointing stage, all are in the susceptible period. Recently, visiting some large grain farmers found that this disease occurred in low-lying rice fields with uneven fields. In order to do a good job in the prevention and control of bacterial streak disease in rice, the following suggestions are made:
In the old wards, after the typhoon, a full-scale chemical prevention of the middle and late rice will be carried out. For fields that have already occurred in the early days of Daejeon, chlorobromoisocyanuric acid, Thiobacillus copper, and agricultural streptomycin are used. Prevention and control, and strive to find a piece to play, found a piece of playing. Single crops and single deposits produced in sick fields are strictly prevented from mixing with disease-free seeds. Only the diseased fields of sporadic diseased leaves must be strictly controlled in the ward after being disinfected. All other sick field seeds will be converted into grain and are not allowed to be used as seeds. The diseased straw burns as fuel.
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